Change Your Workout Routine

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Here Are 4 Reasons to Change Your Workout Routine ! Do you find yourself running the same route, going to the same yoga class, or stepping onto the same treadmill while at the gym? If this is you, Change Your Workout Routine! When it comes to our fitness routines, most of us are creatures of habit, I know I am at times. We find something that we like, so we stick to it. During exercise, you’re putting stress on your...

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Start Your Day With Water – Fitness Tip & Trick #3

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Start Your Day With Water! Get more water in your body!  What's the easiest way to make that happen?  Be sure the first thing you do when you wake up is Drink a big glass! The male human body is about 50% to 65% water while the female body is about 45% to 60%and muscles contain about 75%.  Get more of it into your body and it will thank you! Here are just a few benefits of drinking water and being properly...

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